Q31. Which of the following Is not a Fundamental Right? (a) Right to Equality (b) Right to Liberty (c) Right against Exploitation (d) Right to Property Q32. Civil equality implies (a) equality before law (b) equality of opportunity„ (c) equal distribution of wealth (d)equal right to participate in the affairs of the state Q33. In which ofthe following cases the SupremeCourt heldthatfundamental rights areunamendingable? (a)A. K. Golan‟s case (b)Keshvana Bharti‟s case (c)M. C. Mehta's case (d)Golak Nath's case Q34. HowmanyFundamentalDutiesareintheIndian Constitution ? (a) Eleven (b) Nine (c) Twenty (d) Twelve Q35. Fundamental Rights are not given to (a) Bankrupt persons (b) Aliens (c) Persons suffering from incurable diseases (d) Political sufferers

Q36.Whichoneofthefollowingfundamental rights is available to Indian citizensonly? (a) Equality before law (b) Protection oflife personalliberty against any action without authority oflaw (c) Protectionfromdiscriminationongroundsof religion race caste sex or place of birth (d) Freedom of religion

Q37. Freedom of the press is implied in the right to (a)equal protection of thelaws (b)freedom of speech (c)freedom of association (d)work material security Q38. In India the right to property is now recognised as (a)a fundamental right (b)a legal right (c)a natural right (d)a political right Q39. Which Fundamental Right according to Dr. Ambedkar is like the heart of the Constitution? (a) Right of Constitutional remedies (b) Right to religion (c)Right to equality (d)Right to freedom Q40. AcourtenforcesenjoymentofaFundamentalRight by Issuing (a)a decree (b)an ordinance (c)a right (d)a notification Q41. Which of the following rights is not granted by the ConstitutionofIndiaatpresentasafundamental right ? (a)Right to equality (b)Right to freedom (c)Right to property (d)Rightagainstexploitation.

Q42. WhenweretheFundamentalDutiesoftheIndian citizens incorporated in the constitution? (a) 1952 (b) 1976 (c) 1979 (d) 1981 Q43. TheConstitutionofIndiaassureseconomic justiceto citizens through (a)FundamentalRights (b)Fundamental duties (c)Preamble (d)Directive Principles of State Policy Q44. Which case is related to Fundamental Rights? (a)Golakhnath vs. State of Punjab (1967) (1959) (b)West Bengal vs. Union of India (1963)(c)Sharma vs. Krishna (d) State of Bombay vs. Balsara(1951)

Q45. As per Indian Constitution the Right to Property is a (a) Fundamental Right (b) Natural Right (c) legal Right (d)Moral Right Q46. Which one of the following ceased to be a fundamental right under the Constitution? (a)Right to Education (b) Righttowork (c) Right to property (d) Right to Equality beforeLaw Q47. As per Indian Constitution the Right to property is a (a) Fundamental Right (b)Natural Right (c)Legal Right (d)Moral Right Q48. FundamentalDutieswereincorporatedintheIndian Constitution on the recommendation of (a)Santhanam Committee (b) Swaran SinghCommittee (c) Shah Commission (d) Administrative ReformsCommission Q49. Provisions of citizenship in Indian Constitution became applicable in (a) 1950 (b)1949 (c)1951 (d)1952

Q50. Whichofthe following isnotafundamental right as per the Indian Constitution? (a)Right to Education (b)Right to Information (c)Right to Speech (d)Right to Life Q51. …… are essential for liberty. (a) Restrictions (b) Rights (c) Privileges (d) Laws Q52. HowmanyFundamentalRightsweregranted initially? (a) Six (b) Seven (c) Four (d) Five Q53. How liberty can be limited? (a) ByRule (b) By Law (c) By Authority (d) By Equality

Q54. Whichone ofthe followingkinds of equality isnot compatible with the liberal notion of equality ? (a)Legal Equality (b)Political Equality (c)Social Equality (d)Economic Equality Q55. Which one ofthe following is an item included inthe listofFundamentalDutiesof anIndiancitizeninthe Constitution? (a) To practice secularism (b) Todevelopscientific temperhumanism the spirit of enquiry reform (c) To pay alltaxes to government regularly correctly the (d) Nottoassaultanypublic servantin(during) performance of his duties. Q56. WhenweretheFundamentalDutiesincorporatedin the Constitution? (a) 1975 (b)1976 (c) 1977 (d)1979 Q57. Howmany fundamentaldutiesare there inour Indian Constitution? (a)11 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 8 Q58. The conceptofDirectivePrinciplesof StatePolicy in Indian Constitution is adopted from that of (a)Ireland Spain (b) US UK (c) USSR China (d)Japan Korea Q59. Which one of the following chapters in the Indian Constitution guarantees Fundamental Rights to the people? (a) Part II (b) Part I (c) Part IV (d) Part III Q60. The directive principles incorporated in the Indian constitution havebeeninspired by the constitutionof (a)Australia (b) Ireland (c) USA (d) Canada Q61. AccordingtotheIndianConstitutionthevacancyin the office of the President of India shall be filled within : (a) 1 month (b) 6 months (c) 3 months(d) 1 year Q62. InIndianRepublic the realexecutiveauthorityrests with the : (a)Prime Minister (b)President (c)Bureaucrats (d)Council of Ministers Q63. Whatis the periodwithin which a proclamation of national emergency made by the Presidentis to be placed before each house of the Parliament for approval? (a) within one month (b) withintwomonths (c) withinfourmonths (d) within six months Q64. WhichofthefollowingStingCommitteesof Parliament has no MP from Rajya Sabha? (a)Public AccountsCommittee (b) Estimates Committee (c) Committee on PublicUndertakings (d) Committee on GovernmentAssurances Q65. Whatis themaximumnumber ofthe electedmembers of Rajya Sabha? (a)250 (b)238 (c) 245 (d)248 Q66. The joint sessionofthe two Houses ofParliamentis convened (a)only in case of national emergency (b)when a bill passed by one House is rejected by the other House (c)taxes approved by one House are rejected by the other House (d)both Q67. InIndianParliament abill may besenttoa select committee (a)after the first reading (b)after the second reading (c)after general discussion during second reading (d) at any stage at the discretion of the Speaker Q68. The salaries allowances payable to theMembers of the Parliament are decided bythe (a)President (b)Cabinet (c)Parliament (d)Finance Commission Q69. The authority to prorogue the two Houses ofthe Parliament rests withthe (a)President (b)Vice President (c)Prime Minister (d)Speaker.

Q70. Who is the competent to dissolve the Parliament ? (a) The President (b) TheCabinetwiththe concurrence ofthe header of the Opposition (c)By resolution in both Houses of Parliament (d) None ofthese Q71. Whenwas zerohour introduced Inthe parliamentary affairs in India? (a) 1952 (b) 1962 (c) 1972 (d) 1982 Q72. Themaximumnumber ofmembers ofLokSabha RajyaSabhahasbeenfixedby theConstitutionof India respectively as (a) 500 and 250 (b) 525 and 270 (c)537 and 275 (d)545 and 250 Q73. Inorder tobe recognised as anofficial opposition GroupintheParliamenthowmany seats shouldit have ? (a) 1/3rd of the total strength (b) ¼thofthe total strength (c)1/6 th of the total strength (d)1/10 of the total strength Q74. Whatis the minimum age laid down for a date to seek election to the LokSabha? (a) 18years (b) 21 years (c) 25 years (d) 30 years Q75. Who is eligible to castthe deciding vote over a billin a Joint Parliamentary session? (a)Chairman ofthe RajyaSabha (b)Deputy Speaker ofLok Sabha (c)Speaker of Lok Sabha (d)Prime Minister Q76. Representationof anystateinRajyaSabhais according to (a)area of the state (b)population of the state (c)number of representatives in Lok Sabha from the state (d)fixed number of candidates from each state Q77. Who canbe themember ofthe Rajya Sabhabut can speak both in Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha? (a)The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha (b)Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha (c)Nominated members of the Rajya Sabha (d)Ministerswhoare members oftheRajya Sabha.Q78. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by the(a)President (b)Prime Minister (c)members of both Houses of Parliament (d)Members of lok sabha Q79. NoGovernmentExpenditurecanbeincurredinIndia except with the sanctionof (a) the Parliament (b)the Prime Minister (c)the President (d)the Supreme Court Q80. In our Constitution Economic Planning is included in (a)Union list (b)State list (c)Concurrent list (d)Not any specified list Q81. Acidate tobecome amemberoftheRajyaSabha should not be less than (a)21 years of age (b)25 years of age (c)30 years of age (d)32 years of age Q82. The union parliament consists of (a) The President of lndia (b) TheCouncilofStates (RajyaSabha)(c)TheHouse of the People (d)All of the above Q83. Themaximumstrengthofthe electedmembers ofthe House of the People (Lok Sabha)is (a)530 (b) 545 (c)540 (d) 550 Q84. How many readings does anon money bill have in each House of theParliament? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) One Q85. BywhichBilldoes theGovernmentpropose collection of revenues for a year? (a)Economic Bill (b)Finance Bill (c)Supplementary Bill (d)None of the above Q86. Who certifies a Bill to be a Money Bill in India? (a) Finance Minister (b)President (c)Speaker of the LokSabha (d)Prime Minister Q87. The „Speaker‟s vote' in the Lok Sabha is called (a) casting vote(b) sound vote (c) direct vote (d) indirect vote Q88. The Council of Ministers does not include (a)Cabinet Ministers (b)Ministers of State (c)Cabinet Secretary (d)Ministers without Portfolio Q89. HowmanymembersoftheRajyaSabharetire from the house every 2years? (a) 16ofthe total members (b)13 of the total members (c) 112 of the totalmembers (d) 56 of the totalmembers Q90. How many times was the term oftheLok Sabha extended up to 6month? (a) Once (b) Twice (c) Thrice (d) Never Q91. A member ofParliamentwill lose hismembershipof ParliamentifheiscontinuouslyabsentfromSessions for (a) 45 days (b) 60days (c) 90 days (d) 365 days Q92. Indian Parliament Means (a) Rajya Sabha LokSabha (b)Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Prime Minister (c)President of India Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha (d)President ofIndia Vice President ofIndia Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Q93. Whichone ofthe following is the popularly elected House of the IndianParliament? (a) Rajya Sabha (b) Lok Sabha (c) Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha (d) None of the above Q94. Ajoint sitting ofthe twoHousesofIndianParliament is presided over by the (a)President of India (b)Vice President of lndia (c)Speaker of the Lok Sabha (d)Attorney General of lndia Q95. Whatis themaximumnumber of starredquestions that canbe askedin Lok Sabha on a particular day? (a) 15 (b) 20 (c) 25 (d) Without limT.

DelimitationoftheLokSabhaconstituencieswaslast done in the year (a) 1970 (b) 1972 (c) 1976 (d) 1977 Q97. IftheSpeaker of LokSabhaWishes totenderhis resignation he has to address his letter to (a)The President ofIndia (b)The Deputy Speaker (c)The Prime Minister (d)The Cabinet Q98. Whichone ofthe following committeesdoesnot consists of any member from the Rajya Sabha? (a)Estimates Committee (b)Public Accounts Committee (c)Public Grievance Committee (d)CommitteeonPublicUndertakings Q99. Ajoint sitting of both Houses ofParliamentmay be convened to consider a bill which was passed by one House kept pending by the other for (a) four months (b) six months (c) one year (d) two years Q100. What is the term of a Member of the Rajya Sabha ? (a) Three years (b) Fouryears (c) Five years (d) Six years Q101. The Parliament consists of (a)President Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha (b)Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha (c) Lok Sabha VidhanSabha (d) Vidhan Sabha Vidhan Parishad LokSabha Q102. Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not ? (a)President (b)Prime Minister (c)Finance Minister (d)Speaker of the Lok Sabha Q103. Whocalls theJointSessionofthe twoHouses ofthe Parliament? (a) The President (b) The Prime Minister (c)The Lok Sabha Speaker (d)The Vice President Q104. Whatis quorum required for convening theLok Sabha ? (a)16 (b) 18 (c) 110 (d) 15 IntheParliamentaryformof Government “Heis the first among equal‟‟. Who is he? (a)President (b)Prime Minister (c)Leader of Opposition (d)Speaker of lower house Q106. ThechairmanofthePublicAccountsCommitteeinthe Indian Parliament is : (a) The Leader of OppositionParty (b) The Speaker of LokSabha (c) TheDeputySpeakerofLokSabha (d)The Chairman of Rajya Sabha Q107. What shouldbe the gapbetweenfirstNoConfidence motion second No confidence motion ? (a)2 months (b) 3 months (c) 6 months (d) 9 months Q108. Whichone ofthe following appointments isnotwithin the purview of the President of India? (a)Chief Justice of India (b)Chairman Finance Commission (c)Chief of Army Staff (d)Speaker of Lok Sabha Q109. The expendituremade onwhich ofthe followingdoes not require budgetary approval every year In India ? (a)Defence (b)Natural calamities (c)Consolidated fund (d)Contingency fund Q110. InwhichoftheParliamentaryFinancialCommitteesis the Rajya Sabha notrepresented.? (a) Public AccountsCommittee (b) Estimates Committee (c)CommitteeonPublicUndertakings (d)Expenditure Committee Q111. The Members of Rajya Sabha are elected for a term of (a) Two years (b) Four years (c) Six years (d) Five years Q112. Whichofthe followingdoes not come under legislative control over administration? (a)Zero hour (b)Adjournment motion (c)Budget session (d)Formulation of a Bill. Q113. Fromwhichfundcantheunanticipatedexpenditure be metwithoutthe prior approval oftheParliament ? (a)Consolidated Fund ofIndia (b) Contingency Fund ofIndia (c) Vote on Account (d) From the Treasury.Q114. TheCouncilofMinisters is collectivelyresponsibleto the (a)President (b)Prime Minister (c)Lok Sabha (d)Rajya Sabha Q115. In whichyear was the “House ofthePeople”named as "Lok Sabha” ? (a)1954 (b)1964 (c) 1974 (d)1984 Q116. The members ofthe RajyaSabha are elected for a term of : (a) Two years (b) Four years (c) Five Years (d) six Years Q117. Whichone ofthefollowingcommittees isNOTaSting Committee of the Parliament? (a)Public Accounts Committee (b)Estimates Committee (c)CommitteeonPublicUndertakings (d) Consultative Committee to the Ministry of Finance Q118. TheMinistersIntheUnionGovernmentholdoffice during the pleasure ofthe (a) Lok Sabha (b) President (c) Parliament (d) Prime Minister Q119. TheEstimateCommitteeconsistsof (a)30 members from Lok Sabha (b)30 members from Rajya Sabha (c)30 members from both Sabha (d)22 members from Lok Sabha Q120. The Speaker ofLok Sabha is elected by (a)all the members of Parliament (b)the people directly (c)all the members of Lok Sabha (d)the members ofthe majority party in the Lok Sabha Q121. WhoChairs theJointSessionofthe twoHousesof Parliament? (a)President (b)Vice President (c)Speaker of Lok Sabha (d)Prime Minister Q122. A bill is a „Money Bill‟ or not will be decided by (a) Finance Minister (b) President (c) Chairman of RajyaSabha (d) Speaker of LokSabha.

Q123. TheChairmanofthePublicAccountsCommitteeof the Parliament is appointedby (a)Speaker of Lok Sabha (b)Prime Minister of India (c)President of India (d)Chairman of Rajya Sabha Q124. InwhichHouse is thePresidingOfficernotamember of that House ? (a)Lok Sabha (b)Rajya Sabha (c)Vidhan Sabha (d)Vidhan Parishad Q125. Name the twononpermanentHouses inthe Parliamentary setup ofIndia. (a)The Rajya Sabha Vidhan Sabha (b)The Lok Sabha Vidhan Parishad (c)The Rajya Sabha Vidhan Parishad (d) The Lok Sabha Vidhan Sabha Q126. TheMinistry sometimes referredtoas "Green Ministry” in India is Ministry of (a)Agriculture Rural Development (b)Environment and Forests (c) Surface Transport (d) Urban Development Scalping Q127. WhatIs theminimumage requiredtobecomePrime Minister ofIndia? (a)18 years (b) 25 years (c) 30 years (d) 35 years Q128. ParliamentaryorPresidentialGovernmentcanbe distinguished mainly by (a)its federal nature (b)the rigidity of the Constitution (c)the employer employee relations (d)the legislative executive relations Q129. The maximum strength of Rajya Sabha is (a) 220 (b) 200 (c)250 (d)240 Q130. Whoacts as thechannelofcommunicationbetween the President the Council Ministers ? (a)Chairman Rajya Sabha (b)Speaker of Lok Sabha (c)Vice President (d)Prime Minister Q131. Whatis themaximumgappermissiblebetweentwo sessions ofParliament? (a)One month (b)Three months (c)Six months

(d)Twelve months Q132. Who has got the power to create All India Services ? (a)Supreme Court (b)The Parliament (c)Council of Ministers (d)Prime Minister Q133. IntheprovisionalParliamentofIndiahowmany members were there? (a)296 (b)313 (c)318 (d)316 Q134. Who admits a new State to the Union of India? (a) President (b)Supreme Court (c)Prime Minister (d)Parliament Q135. Howmanymembersare there inPublicAccounts Committee? (a) 22members (b) 28 members (c) 30 members (d) 20 members Q136. AnOrdinary bill passedby theStateAssembly canbe delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of (a) 1 month (b) 6 months (c) 3 months (d) 4 months Q137. TheCouncilofMinisters inaState is collectively responsible to (a)the Governor (b)the Chief Minister (c)the President of India (d)the Legislative Assembly Q138. Whatis thedurationofmembershipofState Legislative Councils? (a) 3 years (b) 5years (c) 6 years (d) 9 years Q139. MoneyBillsoriginateintheStateLegislative Assembly on the recommendationof (a)the Governor (b)the Chief Minister (c)the Finance Minister (d)the Speaker Q140. An ordinance issued by the Governor without the approvalofthe StateLegislature shallbe effective for a period of (a) Six months (b) Six weeks (c) One year (d) One month Q141. The maximumtime a person cancontinue tobe the minister of the State Government without being a member the state legislature (a)One year (b)Three months (c)Six months (d)No time limit Q142. Anordinance issuedbyGovernor is subjectto approval by (a) The President (b) The State Legislature (c) The State Council ofMinisters (d)The Parliament Q143. Whichamongthefollowing statehasVidhanParishad ? (a)Karnataka (b)Tamil Nadu (c)Kerala (d)Andhra Pradesh Q144. The oath of office is administered tothe Governor by the (a) Chief Justice ofIndia (b) Speaker of LegislativeAssembly (c) President (d) Chief Justice of HighCourt Q145. Anordinance issued by the Governor has to be passed by the Assemblywithin (a)8 weeks (b) 10 weeks (c) 12 weeks (d) 6 weeks Q146. What amidstthe following is nottrue ofthe general electoral roll prepared through the agency of the ElectionCommission?Itis tobeusedforelections to the (a) Lok Sabha (b) Panchayati raj Nagarpalika institutions (c) Legislative Assemblies of thestates (d) LegislativeCouncils ofthe states where these exist Q147. WhenwasthePublicServiceCommissiontheoriginal version of the U.P.S.C. setup? (a) 1st October 1926 (b) 1st April 1937 (c) 5th August 1947 (d) 6th January 1950 Q148. MembersoftheUnionPublicServiceCommissioncan be removed by the (a) Parliamentafter a resolution adoptedwith2/3rds

(b) Presidentonaunanimousrecommendationfrom the Union Council ofMinisters (c) President on the basis of an inquiry report by the Supreme Court (d) President on recommendation from Central Administrative Tribunal Q149. If the Election Commission is satisfied that a cidate has failed to lodge an account of election expenses within the prescribed time in the manner forno good reason or justificationwhatis the periodforwhich the EC can disqualify him to be a member or from continuing to be a member of the elected office from the date of the order? (a)2 years (b) 3 years (c) 4 years (d) 5 years Q150. A federal structure for India was first putforward by the (a) Act of 1909 (b) Act of1919 (c) Act of 1935 (d) Act of 1947 Q151. Whichofthe following exercised themostprofound influence in framing the Indian Constitution? (a)British Constitution (b) US Constitution (c) Ireland Constitution (d) The Government of India Act 1935 Q152. How does the Constitution of India describe India as? (a)A federation of States Union Territories (b)A Union of States (c)Bharat varsh (d)A federated nation Q153. The system of judicial review Originated in (a) India (b) Germany (c) Russia (d) U.S.A. Q154. Preventive detention means (a) detention for interrogation (b)detention after interrogation (c)detention without interrogation (d)detention for cognizable offence Q155. Whatwas thebasis for constitutingtheConstituent Assembly of India ? (a) The Resolution ofthe Indian National Congress (b) The Cabinet MissionPlan (c) The Indian Independence Act 1947 (d)The resolutionsOfthe Provincial State Legislatures of the Dominion of India.

Q156. FromtheConstitutionofwhichcountry theprovision of Federation was borrowed while framing the Constitution ofIndia? (a) USA (b) UK (c) Canada (d) Switzerland Q157. Who among the followingwasnot a member ofthe Constituent Assembly established in July 1946 ? (a)Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b)K M Munshi (c)Mahatma Gandhi (d)Abdul Kalam Azad Q158. Whowas theChairmanoftheDraftingCommitteeof the Constitution ? (a)J. B. Kripalani (b)Rajendra Prasad (c)J. L. Nehru (d)B. R. Ambedkar Q159. India is a republic because (a) it is democratic country (b) It is a parliamentarydemocracy (c)the head of the state Is elected for a definite period (d)All of these Q160. Whowas theConstitutionalAdvisor tothe Constituent Assembly of India? (a)Dr.Rajendra Prasad (b)Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (c)Sir B.N. Rao (d)Shri K.M. Munshi Q161. Whichofthe following countrieshas introduced “direct democracy"? (a) Russia (b) India (c) France (d) Switzerland Q162. Whowas thePresident ofthe Republic ofIndiawho consistently described Indian Secularism as „Sarvapharma Samabhav‟? (a)Dr.S.Radhakrishnan (b)Dr. Zakir Hussain (c)Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d)Gaini Zail Singh Q163. Whichofthe following countrieshave anUnwritten Constitution? (a) U.S.A (b) U.K. (c) Pakistan (d) India Q164. The Constitution of India was adopted on (a)26 January 1950 (b)26 January 1949 (c)26 November 1949 (d)31 December 1949 Q165. Whichofthe following is a feature to boththe Indian Federation and the American Federation? (a)A single citizenship (b) Dual judiciary (c) Three Lists in theConstitution (d)AFederal SupremeCourtto interpretthe Constitution Q166. The constitution of India describes India as (a)A Union of States (b)Quasifederal (c)A federation of state union territories (d)A Unitary State Q167. Whoamong the followingwas thePresident ofthe Constituent Assembly of India? (a)Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b)Jawaharlal Nehru (c)M.A. Jinnah (d)Lal Bahadur Shastri Q168. The convention that “once a speaker always a speaker” is followed in (a) UK (b) USA (c) France (d)India Q169. Indian Penal Code came into operation In (a)1858 (b)1860 (c)1859 (d)1862 Q170. HowmanyArticles are there inthe Indian Constitution ? (a)395 (b)396 (c)398 (d)399 Q171. IndianParliamentcanrenameor redefine the boundary of a Stateby (a)a simplemajority (b)absolute majority (c) 2/3rd majority of the members voting (d) 2/3rdmajority ofthe members voting anabsolute majority of Its totalmembership Q172. Which is the source of political power in India ? (a) The Constitution (b) The Parliament (c) The Parliament the State Legislatives (d) We the People Q173. Which one of the following is a political right ? (a) Right to freedom (b) Right to contest elections (c) Right to equality before law (d) Right to life

Q174. FundamentalRights inIndiaareguaranteedbyit through (a) The Right toEquality (b)Right Against Exploitation (c)RighttoConstitutionalRemedies (d)Educational Cultural Rights Q175. Which of the following "writs” of the High Court or the SupremeCourtis soughtto produce in the court a person suspected to be missing in custody ? (a)Mamus (b)Quo Warranto (c)Habeas Corpus (d)Certiorari Q176. To which of the following Bills the President must accord his sanctionwithout sending itback for fresh consideration? (a) Ordinary Bills (b) Money Bills (c) BillspassedbybothHousesoftheParliament (d)Bill seeking amendment to the Constitution Q177. WhereintheIndianConstitutionhas“economic justice" been provided as one of the objectives? (a)mental Rights (b) Directive Principles (c) Fundamental Rights (d) Fundamental Rights the Directive Principles Q178. Whichone ofthe following isnot enumerated as a right in the Constitution of India ? (a)Political social right (b)Educational right. (c)Economic right (d)Right to religion Q179. Whichone ofthe following isnotmentioned inthe Preamble to the Constitution ofIndia ? (a)Justice (b)Fraternity (c)Adult franchise (d)Equality of position Q180. TheIndianConstitutionrecognisesminoritiesonthe basis of (a)Religion (b)Caste (c) PercentageofthepopulationoftheGrouptothe total population (d) Colour Q181. Aright ofMamus canbe issuedby the SupremeCourt to (a)an official to perform public duty (b)the Prime Minister to dissolve the Cabinet (c)the company to raise wages (d)the Government to pay the salaries to employees Q182. HowmanyFundamentalDutiesare includedin Indian Constitution ? (a) Nine (b) Ten (c) Eleven (d) Twelve Q183. The right to vote in elections to a Parliament is a (a)Fundamental Right (b)ConstitutionalRight (c)Legal Right (d)Natural Right Q184. Which of the following is not a „Fundamental Right‟? (a)Right to Equality (b)Right to Property (c)Right to Freedom (d)Right to Constitutional Remedies Q185. TheFundamentalRightsinourConstitutionare inspired by the Constitutionof (a)United States of America (b)United Kingdom (c)Switzerland (d)Canada Q186. Under theConstitution the power to issue a right of Habeas Corpus is vestedin (a) High Courts alone (b) Supreme Court alone (c) Both Supreme Court HighCourts (d) All Courts down to the District Courts Q187. Which of the following is a bulwark of personal freedom ? (a)Mamus (b)Habeas corpus (c)Quo Warranto (d)Certiorari Q188. The right for theenforcementofFundamentalRights are issued by (a) The Parliament (b) The President. (c) The Supreme Court (d) The Election Commission Q189. A rightIssued bythe SupremeCourt compelling a quasi judicial public authority to perform Its mandatory duty is (a)Quo warranto (b)Mamus (c)Certiorari (d)Prohibition Q190. StabilityoftheGovernmentisassuredin: (a)Parliamentary Form of Government (b)Presidential Form of Government (c)Plural Executive System (d)Direction Democracy.
AccordingtotheIndianConstitutionthevacancyin the office of the President of India shall be filled within : (a) 1 month (b) 6 months (c) 3 months (d) 1 year Q192. InIndianRepublic the realexecutiveauthorityrests with the : (a)Prime Minister (b)President (c)Bureaucrats (d)Council of Ministers Q193. Parliamentary formofGovernmentis alsoknown as : (a)Responsive Government (b)Responsible Government (c)Federal Government (d)Presidential Government Q194. The minimum age of the member of Rajya Sabha is : (a) 25 years (b) 21 years (c) 30 years (d) 35 years Q195. Whoamong the following are not appointedby the President ofIndia? (a) Governors of States (b) Chief Justice Judges of High Court (c)Vice President (d)Chief Justice Judges of SupremeCourt Q196. Whatis the periodwithin which a proclamation of national emergency made by the Presidentis to be placed before each house of the Parliament for approval? (a) within one month (b) withintwomonths (c) withinfourmonths (d) within six months Q197. A money bill passed by the Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by the Rajya Sabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House within : (a) 10days (b) 14 days (c) 20 days (d) 30 days Q198. What canbe themaximum interval between two Sessions of Parliament? (a)Three months (b)Four months (c)Six months (d)Nine months Q199. Themaximumpermissible gapbetweentwosessions of the Parliamentis (a) 3 months (b) 4 months (c) 5 months (d) 6 months Q200. Whoamong the following decides if aparticularBillis a Money Bill ornot? (a)President (b)Speaker of Lok Sabha (c) Chairman of RajyaSabha (d) Finance Minister Q201. WhichofthefollowingStingCommitteesof Parliament has no MP from Rajya Sabha? (a)Public AccountsCommittee (b) Estimates Committee (c) Committee on PublicUndertakings (d) Committee on GovernmentAssurances Q202. Howare legislativeexcessesofParliament Assemblies checked? (a) Intervention from PresidentGovernor (b) No Confidence motions (c)Judicial review (d)General elections Q203. NoMoneybill canbeintroducedintheLokSabha without the prior approval of the (a)Vice President (b)President (c)Prime Minister (d)Finance Minister Q204. RajyaSabhaenjoysmorepowers thantheLokSabha in the case of (a) Money Bills (b) Non money bills (c) SettingupofnewAllIndiaServices (d)Amendment of the Constitution Q205. Who is competent to dissolve the Rajya Sabha ? (a) The Chairman RajyaSabha (b) The President (c) The Joint session ofParliament (d) None ofthese Q206. FromwhichConstitutionoftheWorldthe Indian Constitutionhasadoptedtheconceptof “Directive Principles of StatePolicy"? (a) Ireland (b) U.S.A. (c)Canada (d)Australians tanks wells Q207. The“ResiduaryPowers" (notmentionedintheUnion State or Concurrent lists of the Constitution) are vested in (a) President ofIndia (b) Both Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha (c) State Legislature (d)Lok Sabha HowmanymembersoftheStateLegislativeCouncil are elected by the Assembly? (a)of the members (b)of the members (c)of the members (d) of the members Q209. TheLegislativeCouncilinaState inIndiamaybe treated or abolished by the (a) PresidentontherecommendationoftheGovernor (b) Parliament (c) ParliamentaftertheStateLegislativeAssembly passes a resolution to thateffect (d) GovernoronarecommendationbytheState Cabinet Q210. AnOrdinary billpassedbytheStateAssembly canbe delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of (a) 1 month (b) 6 months (c) 3 months (d) 4 months Q211. WhichamidstthefollowingStateshasaLegislative Council ? (a) Bihar (b) Orissa (c) West Bengal (d) Punjab Q212. Whois the chief advisor to theGovernor? (a)ChiefJusticeofIndianSupremeCourt (b)Chief Minister (c) Speaker of the LokSabha (d) President Q213. MoneyBill canbeintroducedinthe StateLegislative Assembly with the prior permission of the (a)Governor Of the State (b)Chief Minister of the State (c)Speaker of Legislative Assembly (d)Finance Minister of the State Q214. There isnoprovisionintheConstitutionfor the impeachment of the (a) Chief Justice ofIndia (b) Chief Justice of a High Court: (c) Governor (d) Vice President Q215. Whowas the firstWoman Governor of a State infree India from out of the following ? (a)Mrs. Sarojini Naidu (b)Mrs. Sucheta Kriplani (c)Mrs. Indira Gandhi (d)Mrs. Vijay Laxmi Pit Q216. TheStates inIndiaaredemanding greaterautonomy from the centre in thefield. (a) Legislative (b) Administrative (c)Financial (d)All the above Q217. TheCouncilofMinisters inaState is collectively responsible to (a)the Governor (b)the Chief Minister (c)the President of India (d)the Legislative Assembly Q218. Whatis thedurationofmembershipofState Legislative Councils? (a) 3 years (b) 5years (c) 6 years (d) 9 years Q219. The Governor of a State has no power to (a)prorogue the Assembly (b)dissolve the Assembly (c)adjourn the Assembly (d)summon the Assembly Q220. The members of the Legislative Assembly are : (a) Indirectly elected (b) directly elected by thepeople (c)partly elected partly nominated by the Governor (d)mainly nominated Q221. MoneyBillsoriginateintheStateLegislative Assembly on the recommendationof (a)the Governor (b)the Chief Minister (c)the Finance Minister (d)the Speaker Q222. The Chief Minister is appointed by (a)the Governor (b)the President (c)TheChiefJusticeofSupremeCourt (d)the Chief Justice of High Court Q223. Theupperhouse ofthe StateLegislature inIndia is called : (a)Legislative Council (b)Legislative Assembly (c)Executive Council (d)Governor in Council Q224. In case no party enjoys absolute majority In the LegislativeAssembly of a state the Governorwill go by : (a)the advice of formerChief Minister (b)the advice of the Prime Minister (c)the advice of the President ofIndia (d)his own discretion Q225. The Chief Minister is appointed by (a) President of india (b) Chief Justice of HighCourt (c) Governor (d)President of theParty Q226. The Governor of an Indian State is appointed by the (a) President ofIndia (b) Prime Minister (c) Chief Justice of High Court (d)Chief Minister ofthe State Q227. A State cannot exist without (a) Democratic government (b) Parliamentary government (c)Presidential government (d)Some kind of government Q228. Who is the highest Law Officer of a State ? (a) Solicitor General (b) Secretary General LawDepartment (c) Attorney General (d)Advocate General Q229. An ordinance issued by the Governor without the approval ofthe StateLegislature shallbe effective for a period of (a) Six months (b) Sixweeks (c) One year (d) One month Q230. The maximumtime a person cancontinue tobe the minister of the State Government without being a member the state legislature (a)One year (b)Three months (c)Six months (d)No time limit Q231. Total assembly segments in Delhi are : (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 40 Q232. InrelationtotheStateGovernmentlocalgovernment exercises : (a) Coordinate Authority (b) Delegated Authority (c) Superior Authority (d) Independent Authority Q233. Anordinance issuedbyGovernor is subjectto approval by (a) The President (b) The State Legislature (c) The State Council ofMinisters (d)The Parliament Q234. In which year were the States recognized oh a linguistic basis ? (a)1951 (b) 1947 (c) 1950 (d) 1956 Q235. Postal voting is otherwise called : (a)plural voting (b)proxy voting (c)weighted voting (d)secret voting Q236. In case of a disagreement between the two Houses of Parliament over a non-money bill : (a)the bill will lapse (b)the President may sign it into a law (c)the President may call a joint sitting of both the Houses to consider it. (d)the President may ask both the Houses to reconsider it. Q237. What amidstthe following is nottrue ofthe general electoral roll prepared through the agency of the ElectionCommission?Itis tobeusedforelections to the (a) Lok Sabha (b) Panchayati raj Nagar palika institutions (c) Legislative Assemblies of thestates (d) LegislativeCouncils ofthe states where these exist Q238. Rightto vote ismentionedin the parts ofthe Constitution relating to (a)Fundamental Rights (b)Union Legislature (c)State Legislature (d)Election Q239. WhichofthefollowingnonmembersofParliament has the right to address it ? (a)Attorney General of India (b)Solicitor General of India (c)Chief Justice of India (d)Chief Election Commissioner Q240. For which period the Finance Commission is formed ? (a)2 years (b)Every year (c)5 years (d)According to the wishes of President Q241. Who finally approves the draft Five Year Plan ? (a) Planning Commission (b) President (c) National Development Council (d)Parliament State Legislatures Q242. Thedeciding authorityof States share incentraltaxes is the (a)Finance Commission (b)Planning Commission (c)Election Commission (d)Finance Minister Q243. WhenwasthePublicServiceCommissiontheoriginal version of the U.P.S.C. setup? (a) 1st October 1926 (b) 1st April 1937 (c) 5th August 1947 (d) 6th January 1950 Q244. Which authority recommends the principles governing the grants in aid ofthe revenues ofthe States out of the Consolidated Fund of India? (a)Public Accounts Committee (b)UnionMinistryofFinance (c)Finance Commission (d)Inter StateCouncil Q245. TheComptroller AuditorGeneralofindiaacts as the chief accountant auditor forthe (a)Union Government (b)State Government (c)Union State Governments (d)Neither Union nor State Governments Q246. WhoconstitutestheFinanceCommissionafterevery five years ? (a) The Council ofMinisters (b) The Parliament (c) The President (d) The Comptroller AuditorGeneral Q247. MembersoftheUnionPublicServiceCommissioncan be removed by the (a) Parliamentaftera resolution adoptedwith2/3rds majority (b) Presidentonaunanimousrecommendationfrom the Union Council ofMinisters (c) President on the basis of an inquiry report by the Supreme Court (d) President on recommendation from Central Administrative Tribunal Q248. HowmanyFundamentalDutiesareintheIndian Constitution ? (a) Eleven (b) Nine (c) Twenty (d) Twelve Q249. Fundamental Rights are not given to : (a) Bankrupt persons (b) Aliens (c) Persons suffering from incurable diseases (d) Political sufferers Q250. Whatwas thebasis for constituting theConstituent Assembly of India ? (a) The Resolutionofthe Indian NationalCongress (b) The Cabinet MissionPlan (c) The Indian Independence Act 1947 (d)The resolutionsOfthe Provincial State Legislatures ofthe Dominion ofIndia

31 d 32 b 33 b 34 a 35 b 36 c 37 b 38 b 39 a 40 c 41 c 42 b 43 c 44 a 45 c 46 c 47 c 48 b 49 a 50 c 51 b 52 b 53 b 54 d 55 b 56 b 57 a 58 b 59 d 60 b 61 b 62 d 63 a 64 b 65 b 66 d 67 d 68 c 69 a 70 a 71 b 72 d 73 d 74 c 75 c 76 b 77 d 78 d 79 a 80 c 81 c 82 d 83 b 84 b 85 b 86 c 87 a 88 c 89 b 90 a 91 b 92 c 93 b 94 c 95 b 96 c 97 b 98 a 99 b 100 d 101 a 102 d 103 a 104 c 105 b 106 a 107 c 108 d 109 b 110 b 111 c 112 c 113 b 114 c 115 a 116 d 117 d 118 b 119 a 120 a 121 c 122 d 123 a 124 a 125 d 126 b 127 c 128 d 129 b 130 d 131 c 132 b 133 b 134 d 135 a 136 d 137 d 138 c 139 a 140 b 141 c 142 b 143 c 144 d 145 d 146 d 147 a 148 c 149 b 150 c 151 d 152 b 153 d 154 c 155 b 156 c 157 c 158 d 159 c 160 c 161 d 162 a 163 b 164 c 165 d 166 a 167 a 168 a 169 d 170 a 171 a 172 d 173 b 174 c 175 c 176 b 177 b 178 c 179 c 180 c 181 a 182 c 183 b 184 b 185 a 186 c 187 b 188 c 189 b 190 b 191 b 192 d 193 b 194 c 195 c 196 a 197 b 198 c 199 d 200 b 201 b 202 c 203 b 204 c 205 d 206 a 207 b 208 b 209 c 210 d 211 a 212 b 213 a 214 c 215 a 216 d 217 d 218 c 219 c 220 b 221 a 222 a 223 a 224 d 225 c 226 a 227 d 228 d 229 b 230 c 231 c 232 b 233 b 234 d 235 b 236 c 237 d 238 d 239 a 240 c 241 c 242 a 243 a 244 c 245 c 246 c 247 c 248 a 249 b 250 b

Reviewed by শ্রী শ্রী সত্যনারায়ণ নমঃ on August 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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